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UR Healing – March 12, 2013

How to Do a Juice Cleanse

By Neka Pasquale, Founder of Urban Remedy

Urban Remedy Juice Cleanse

Congratulations on your decision to do a juice cleanse! Here are some simple tips on doing a juice cleanse that’s successful, easy and fun.


Diet: Holding to a healthy, light diet starting three days before your juice cleanse will ease the hunger cravings during the cleanse itself. Eat only organic fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and eggs and drink eight glasses of water a day. Our egg taco recipe is a great pre-cleanse meal. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, dairy, red meat, and gluten.

Time: For an optimal juice cleansing experience, make sure you have the free time to reflect and rest. Do not do juice cleanses during an emotionally intense time or during a major life transition. Set yourself up for success: ask your friends and family to support you or even to do a juice cleanse with you! Offer them this list of reasons to juice for more information.

Attitude: Set an intention for your juice cleanse. An intention is a commitment to changing a part of your life that no longer serves you. What do you want to create through your juice cleanse? What do you need to heal (such as relationships, illnesses, thought patterns)? How will you know if your juice cleanse was a success? Write down your answers to these questions to reveal the intention for your juice cleanse.

During Your Juice Cleanse

Diet: We recommend a 100% juice cleanse because eating slows down the juice cleansing process. If you need to eat during your juice cleanse, choose certified organic fruits, vegetables or soaked nuts and seeds. Try the Urban Remedy meal replacement smoothies and Nosh snacks, which are raw, gluten-free and very nutritious.

Our certified organic cleanses are designed to give you an all over revitalizing boost. While your digestive system gets a rest from heavy meals and processed foods, your body gets a super infusion of healing nutrients.

Exercise: Limit yourself to light exercise, such as walks, yoga, and stretching. Your energy levels will change when you’re on a juice cleanse, so pay attention to what your body needs before exercising.

Activities: We suggest doing introspective activities while juice cleansing such as writing in a journal, meditation, walks in nature and listening to gentle music. Avoid places with loud noise and a lot of activity; you might be more sensitive than usual during your juice cleanse. Make sure you have a lot of free time to take care of yourself.

Urban Remedy Energizing Juice Clenase

Post Juice Cleanse

Diet: Return gradually to eating solid foods after your juice cleanse. During the three days after completing your juice cleanse, follow a diet similar to the pre-cleanse diet. You can eat organic fruits and green vegetables the first day after your juice cleanse. On the second day, add brown rice, eggs and yogurt. Add chicken, fish or meat to the diet starting 5–6 days after the fast. Use your juice cleanse experience to create new, healthy eating habits! Try our almond oatmeal for a grain-free breakfast recipe.

Activities: Don’t jump into anything strenuous or exhausting right after your juice cleanse. Continue to take time to relax and integrate your juice cleanse experience back into your life.

How to Juice Cleanse

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